Mental impairment later in life is a worry for many. For example: Alzheimer's is a degenerative condition which can occur in middle or old age; impairment might result from stroke; trauma can strike at any time. Not only is the prospect distressing, but it raises questions as to how it will affect one's standing with the Lord.
The Lord God is well-aware of the distress caused to patient, family, and carers. However, the Lord doesn't ascribe guilt to a patient who is fractious, and doesn't know what they are doing.
In the same way as a child is deemed to be innocent prior to reaching the Age of Discretion, the Lord doesn't ascribe guilt to those patilents who no longer understand what they are doing.
The spiritual status will therefore be that which is contained in the Books of Record and the Book of Life just before the Age of Deterioration is reached.
Version: 2024-07-18