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The Old Testament rituals are perhaps less arcane than might be imagined! In order to understand them, not only will it require a good umderstanding of Scripture and the world, but it will also be necessary to take a pro-active approach.
The cleansing rituals, Leviticus chapter 14 for example, might appear dated - perhaps eliciting a wry smile in the light of current knowledge. Yet taking those rituals as a framework for current knowledge - both Scriptural and general - and then applying what is known today, would confirm that using a communal chalice for the Eucharist is anathema in the Lord's eyes. The pro-active element is taking the original cleansing ritual and then running with it, retrospectively applying inductive logic up to the present levels of knowledge and understanding.
Consequently the Lord's anger burns bright against the unknown writer to the Hebrews, who describes the Covenant as outdated†; and also against the new-covenant church who, despite their knowledge of Hygiene-101, consider the communal chalice to be protected by some sort of magic. However, the matter doesn't end there, for they attribute their folly to the authority and guidance of the Lord Spirit. Things will not end well...
[† [13] By calling this covenant "new," he has made the first one obsolete; and what is obsolete and aging will soon disappear. (Hebrews 8:13 NIV)]
[Dissertation: Leviticus, chapter 14.]
Version: 29-Aug-2023