Figure 1. Big Bang explosion.
I want to know how God created this world.
I am not interested in this or that phenomenon,
in the spectrum of this or that element.
I want to know His thoughts;
the rest are details
Albert Einstein
For many years the church have held to the absolute truth of the Bible, even in the face of scientific evidence to the contrary.
I can still remember the sparring I had with FJJ in A-level biology classes.
Regrettably, my own response to the scientific evidence presented - and with which I agreed! - was to say that the Bible wasn't a scientific text book. How lame was that!
My education - up until the Lord God took me in hand - was to separate the Spiritual from the Material.
Eventually, the Lord showed me that the church's attempt to seize the moral high ground in this way was nothing short of a lie.
And He went on to explain that He was the Master of Science, Art, and any Speciality one cared to name. In other words there was unity of the Spiritual and the Material. The religious are all too ready to dismiss money/wealth as something evil. But, while for many money is a god, wealth in the hands of Job was benefial to the Lord's work. For in Job we see that he had handed the direction of his life over to the Lord; not only that, but he had also handed over to the Lord his poverty/wealth to be used in the Lord's service.
'Logic' is another topic which has been derided by the church. Yet I am in awe of the Lord who uses logical induction to separate the Spiritual and the Material, thereby keeping the Scriptures to a managable length. Thus the Lord unites the Spiritual with the scientific. And He does this because He has complete mastery over logic and science.
Version: 17-Jan-2024