
Boris and Luna

Boris and Luna working together in close harmony as they push forward along the narrow track (Photo: credit James Steel).

You don't have to see the whole staircase,
just take the first step.
Martin Luther King Jr



The Messianic Amendment provides the entry point for 'going forward'. Although it is possible to make some generalisations, this is a grey area. So, handle the subject matter with kid gloves.

Currently, there is no infrastructure enabling worship within the framework of the Messianically Amended Covenant. On the other hand, the Jewish Covenant-with-Death and the Gentile new-covenant, have many followers. And not just followers, for there are a plethora of 'experts' on all sides, able and willing to convince with their 'qualifications' and 'didactic opinions'.

So, making a shift to worshipping within the framework of the Messianically Amended Covenant was never going to be easy or painless.

Some of the difficulties:

Options for children approaching the Age of Discretion

Options for children approaching the Age of Discretion. Not all options are currently available.

As can be seen from the schematic, without the option for the Messianically Amended Covenant, then all roads lead to Death and Hell.

The Scriptures are not particularly forthcoming about the operation of the Messianically Amended Covenant. Nevertheless, there is sufficient to offer us a broad outline of God's vision for the future. With God's vision in front of us, the details can be worked out through discussions with Him...

[Essay: There are no collective discussions with the Lord, either by the House of Desolation or by the new-covenant church.]


Currently, there is no infrastructure available with regard to the Messianically Amended Covenant.

At first blush, this might appear to be a major setback! So, as we wait for the appointment of those shepherds after God's own heart, has He abandoned us to a bleak future? Surprisingly, the answer is a resounding 'no'! There is work to be done!

In Matthew chapter 24, Jesus provides us with an insight into life as the age comes to a close. The narrative is brief and raw, so it must be read with intelligence and imagination. Picture, if you will, people panicking and running and hiding for their lives. They become easy targets for facial recognition software. Since they don't carry the mark of the Beast, they are unable to shop for the barest necessities of life. Betrayed on all sides by family and friends and even members of the church, they can no longer distinguish friend from foe. Every person they meet becomes a threat best avoided...

[Dissertation: The needs, assets, and future of those fleeing for their lives in the Last Days (Mat. 24).]

Thematic change

So, while we wait for the Lord to rebuild David's fallen Tent, we can use our time productively to anticipate the needs of those neighbours we have yet to meet [in the next life]. We can, in some small way, live without the infrastructure as they will eventually have to do as the evil ramps up. In days to come, places of worship will be known to the authorities; and people within the church will betray the secret gatherings of the faithful: there will be no hiding place! As we learn how to survive, as we await the rebuilding of David's fallen Tent, as we experience the same needs which they will experience on a much more threatening level, we can discuss those needs with the Lord, and ask Him how we can help lay the groundwork which will ensure their survival in a world of evil which is beyond our imagination.

The other option is to sit on our hands, do nothing, bewail our situation, and to earnestly shout empty platitudes to a world on an express train to Hell. Later, on the Day of Judgement, it will entail enduring the reproaches and accusations of those neighbours for having failed to help lay the groundwork for their survival when given the knowledge and the opportunity.

We can, in some small measure, live as they will have to live ... but using the time to discuss with the Lord how we can provide them with the best help possible in circumstances beyond our imagination.

We have the promise that David's Tent will be rebuilt and will prosper. A golden age, if you like.

But then evil will increase to such a level that unless the Lord shortened the days, the flock would be wiped out entirely:

[22] If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened. (Matthew 24:22 NIV)
Exponential increase in evil

Exponential increase in evil and end of age.


The Scriptures offer a rough guide to the timeline. It may require amendment later on, but for now it is something we can work with. Some dates are known (with varying degrees of accuracy); others, although not known, may be identified by their position in a sequence.

Sequence of events:

[Essay: The Lord's destruction of potentiation in Babel was only a stop-gap.]

[Essay: Potentiation in the 'Last Days'.]

(i) A detailed assessment of the timeline, with notes and comments.
(ii) Group discussion with the Lord.

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Version: 4-Feb-2024